As the great Bob Dylan so beautifully said in his song… the times, they are a-changin'
If your time to you is worth savin',
and you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone.
Reaching 100,000 on YouTube soon!
With one of my YouTube channels approaching 100,000 subscribers, I can't help but reflect on the journey so far.
Only 0.28% of channels reach this far and I am not surprised! It's bloody hard work 😅 At least it has been for me.
Growth on YouTube has been impossible to predict and even now, with less than 200 subscribers to go, I feel like it could take anywhere between 2 days and 8 weeks!
But the main thing I reflect on is how the sacrifices I made in the last 3 and a half years impacted others around me. The very many late Friday nights and weekends of video editing, the family dinners I missed as a result, and important hours of sleep that I missed.

Quality over Quantity
I am not saying these late nights and editing weekends won't happen again, but I am definitely going to change my priorities.
Time with my family will have to come first and the focus of the channel will be to produce the best possible content, even if that means not producing as much.
While I wouldn't call myself prolific, I've uploaded uploaded 370 videos since July 2020 on the main channel. That is an approximate 2 videos per week average 🤯
As I alluded to, this crazy number doesn't include my Brazilian channel (23 additional videos).
On the surface one may think that this is not that big of a deal, but I am so proud of what I've achieved so far, because I have to remind myself that I am not yet a full time content creator. The emphasis on the word yet is 100% intentional.
Making these videos every week whilst having a 'normal’ 9-5 job has been excruciating at times.
With your support I am confident that I will be able to make this next step and turn this 'side hustle’ into a bonafide business.
Every time I read my comments section I am reminded of the community we are building together and it's always inspiring to me. It literally is what has kept me going in the last few years.
Honestly, I would have given up ages ago if I it wasn't for the kindness of my viewers who come through week in, week out in my support.
Alex Gear & Tech update
I can't wait to share more about the plans for Alex Gear & Tech, but I am happy to say that I am finally not doing this completely by myself.
Since I last wrote here, I hired two great people to help with both social media strategy and channel management.
It's only on a part-time basis, but this was a scary decision to make. In the same way hiring a studio was.
Seeking discomfort in order to grow
What I am constantly reminded of, is that, to grow we need to be doing things that make us uncomfortable.
In both cases, having the studio and having people helping me has already freed up my time so I can focus on my 9-5 job and have a few more hours a week to create content.
Thank you all so much for being here with me 🙏🏼
Great milestone achieved! 🙌👏
I remember landing on your first video when you had around 30K subscribers and watching almost every video since then. There are improvements made with each video. Thanks for all your hard work.
Brilliant! Nearly there 🤩